• A collection of cars, all of which just so happen to have left their destination at the exact SECOND that they are in the same spot as you, at the same TIME as you, illegally defying the LAW of probability. Also an old band that Steve Winwood used to play in.

    Traffic meaning & definition 1 of Traffic.

  • drug term: the amount of people coming and going at a drug dealers location.

    Traffic meaning & definition 2 of Traffic.

  • the movement of something. Could be cars, drugs, people for sex, ushually something illegal and something you should not do.

    Traffic meaning & definition 3 of Traffic.

  • Traffic was a rock band formed in the 1960s which featured Steve Winwood on vocals.

    Traffic meaning & definition 4 of Traffic.

  • Fucking bullshit that God invented to slow everything down or is caused by fucking idiots who get in accidents or just stop to take looks at things and is not considerate of others.

    Traffic meaning & definition 5 of Traffic.

  • Hell.

    Traffic meaning & definition 6 of Traffic.

  • A busy place with large amounts of people, (used in place of busy, and in this sense not referring to vehicle congestion )

    Traffic meaning & definition 7 of Traffic.

  • Bad, not good, a real drag

    Traffic meaning & definition 8 of Traffic.

  • Usally, some computers get traffic. If your computer is connected to a network, it would get traffic from file transfers and new information. Zone alarm pro allows you to control traffic your computer is recieving, and also, block it off completely.

    Traffic meaning & definition 9 of Traffic.

  • .noun
    The practice of making out with/sleeping with dubious quantities of men on a regular basis. Generally used in a derogatory sense. Asscoiated with Lolita-esq promiscuity.

    Traffic meaning & definition 10 of Traffic.

  • When there’s some [drama] going on that you just can’t be [bothered] [dealing] with today.

    Traffic meaning & definition 11 of Traffic.

  • Vehicles moving on a public highway.

    Traffic meaning & definition 12 of Traffic.

  • Pedestrians or vehicles on roads, or the flux or passage thereof.

    Traffic meaning & definition 13 of Traffic.

  • To pass goods and commodities from one person to another for an equivalent in goods or money; to buy or sell goods

    Traffic meaning & definition 14 of Traffic.

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