• Together with prejudice, the currency of the modern world

    Ignorance meaning & definition 1 of Ignorance.

  • Lack of knowledge

    Ignorance meaning & definition 2 of Ignorance.

  • Bliss. At least, according to ignorant people.

    Ignorance meaning & definition 3 of Ignorance.

  • Its like a blindfolded man sitting in broad daylight saying I love the dark and swatting anyone who tries to take the damned thing off.

    Ignorance meaning & definition 4 of Ignorance.

  • Being uneducated on specific subjects.
    Actually most of these definitions are written by ignorant people, who shouldnt be giving definitions to others.

    Ignorance meaning & definition 5 of Ignorance.

  • The state that anyone who looks down on another country, race, sex or human being lives in.

    Ignorance meaning & definition 6 of Ignorance.

  • Having a lack of knowledge or education of a subject AND revealing that lack of knowledge/education by making bold and judgemental statements.

    Ignorance meaning & definition 7 of Ignorance.

  • Ignorance is a two-way street.

    Ignorance meaning & definition 8 of Ignorance.

  • Forming an opinion on a subject for which one knows absolutely nothing about and [voicing] that opinion, thus showing lack of knowledge or [ambition] to becoming [remotely] intelligent on the subject mattter.

    Ignorance meaning & definition 9 of Ignorance.

  • Most of these definitions are wrong, ignorance is the [assumption] of [utmost] knowing about a subject when you clearly have no clue and when you try to get into a subject you have no idea about, it has nothing to do with being dull or not knowing it is the belief or pretending that you know and trying to give your [two cents] when you have never even researched the topic

    Ignorance meaning & definition 10 of Ignorance.

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