• a person who can handle large amounts of intoxicants and still hold thier ground...someone who is side by side with you in the trenches while you are fighting boredom....

    Whittle meaning & definition 1 of Whittle.

  • cut small [bits] or [pare] [shavings] from.

    Whittle meaning & definition 2 of Whittle.

  • Carve (wood) into an object by repeatedly cutting small slices from it.

    Whittle meaning & definition 3 of Whittle.

  • The type of girl who takes [your breath] completely away.
    She is completely perfect in any and every way and never fails to [brighten] up your day.

    She is amazing, beautiful, smart, [intelligent], sexy, witty- to name a few.

    Whittle meaning & definition 4 of Whittle.

  • A short fat [rotund] man who [will do] anything they are told, a [complete bitch].

    Whittle meaning & definition 5 of Whittle.

  • The act of being rather [unintelligent], while possibly drinking a beer and definitely smoking a [marlboro menthol].

    (or being a [pothead] father.)

    Whittle meaning & definition 6 of Whittle.

  • [asian man] who gets [boners] occasionally in [a class] full of guys

    Whittle meaning & definition 7 of Whittle.

  • to [PEE]
    to PISS
    to [URINATE]

    Whittle meaning & definition 8 of Whittle.

  • to [create] something that is completely [school] [appropriate]

    Whittle meaning & definition 9 of Whittle.

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