• Sharp, usually curved nails. Is made of [keratin], which is found in skin and hair. Many carnivorous animals have claws that they use to kill prey. When people think of claws, most people think of cats due to their claws. Many fictional animals have claws too, such as [dragons], [chupacabras], and [werewolves].

    Claws meaning & definition 1 of Claws.

  • Fingernails and [toenails] that have not been trimmed for a long time, giving the appearance of [talons] or [claws] (not very pleasant to look at).

    Claws meaning & definition 2 of Claws.

  • one of the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds:

    Claws meaning & definition 3 of Claws.

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