Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
Botany is the scientific study of plants, plant organisms, and how they function. Most botany majors in college either continue on to receive a masters or Ph.D. in botany or go on to med or pharmacy school.
Botany meaning & definition 1 of Botany.
In any plant the bomb in the enemy base type gametype such as Sabotage in an online multiplayer 1st person shooter, in this case Call of Duty 4, botany is the act of running into enemy territory and heroically planting the bomb while under enemy fire (Planting the Bomb, thus Botany).
There is a certain amount of skill involved in this endeavor, and only the most skillful Botanists can achieve the highest title of the field, Grandmaster of Botany.Botany meaning & definition 2 of Botany.
A place a person would prefer not to live in, an area in which mentally, physically or emotionally diturbed people - if you can call them that - reside
Botany meaning & definition 3 of Botany.
the scientific study of plants
Botany meaning & definition 4 of Botany.