Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
white squiggly liquid which causes your life to be ruined when reaches womans egg
Sperm meaning & definition 1 of Sperm.
Most of you are describing [semen]. Sperm is the male reproductive cell (the tadpole thing), semen refers to the ejaculate, which has sperm in it.
Sperm meaning & definition 2 of Sperm.
a bad ass tadpole thats gotta be corralled in a rubber
Sperm meaning & definition 3 of Sperm.
Baby maker!
Sperm meaning & definition 4 of Sperm.
Street slang for penis pudding.
Sperm meaning & definition 5 of Sperm.
Little white skinned members of a great barbarian tribe that live in a huge village known as [Epididymis]. These barbarians, after falling victim to an earthquake, go on a great quest to find The Great Orb(the females egg). They pillage every village along the way, fight random soldiers, and carry on their normal routine until they find what theyre looking for.
Eventually these little devils find the orb in question and it selects the greatest warrior out of all 10 million of them. It then rips that warrior apart, uses his DNA, and kills all if his friends with a huge wave of random acid.
And yes that warrior that was selected was you. So anytime u feel bad or feel low, just remember that u were the greatest once.Sperm meaning & definition 6 of Sperm.
Something really fun to play with during sex, especially right after giving a blow-job and its still in your mouth.
Sperm meaning & definition 7 of Sperm.
What you were before you were born. Yup you were white liquid that shot outta your dads penis when he had an orgasm with your mom. Be thankful that you werent one of the sperms that was murdered when your dad masturbated.
Sperm meaning & definition 8 of Sperm.