• Something that doesn't really need to be greedy, but in reality, is.
    CEOs in America make thousands of times more than their employees. In Britain, they only make about six times as much.
    See that CD you just bought for ? It cost about 1 cent to make it. How much does the artist get? About 50 cents or less per CD. How much goes into the laborers that made the CD? Well, seeing that it was either made by machines or minimum-wage workers (to assemble the case), the electricity/labor cost per CD is probably 5-10 cents. Let's round up and say it's a dollar total. So where's the rest go? Into the corporation.
    The Rock Against Bush CD cost (if you buy it directly from the producer). That's less than half the price of a typical CD. That shows that it is possible to have cheap CDs.
    An ideal corporation always puts its employees before its executive office and always puts its consumers before its profit. But of course, none of this happens. We see people get laid off so that the exectuive's stock can go up a half of a point. We see goods that cost a dollar to make being sold for twenty. We see them exploiting the children of third-world countries.
    Don't give me crap about how they want the job. It's exploiting, regardless of whether they want it or not. Since when do Americans deserve more rights than Africans or Chinese?
    Oh, and corporations basically have the government and media in its pocket. Corporations buy the presidency through donations. Enron donated ,752 to the Republicans and ,050 to the Democrats. Then, when they're elected, the do whatever the corporation wants. Oh, and they control the media too. Microsoft controls NBC, Fox controls Fox news, etc. Liberal media my ass. It's not a liberal media, it's not a conservative media. It's a profiteer media. Meaning, anything that will get them a profit, they will report.

    Corporation meaning & definition 1 of Corporation.

  • Your business becomes successful to the point where you decide that you no longer want to [take responsibility] of it, however you decide to keep your status by renaming your position as CEO, [CFO], etc. so that you can determine your own ridiculous salary and sell your stocks to shareholders who then take responsibility of your business. Furthermore, if your company is a bank you can then purposely go bankrupt so that the government can bail you out to give yourself a bonus in addition to your ridiculous salary because the taxpayers will pay it and they dont have any say-so in the government. You can also donate money without paying taxes to a [politicians] shell corporation so that nobody will ever know it was you on record. You also (wrongly) assume that the average [taxpayer] is too stupid to know whats going on here.

    An expletive used to describe anything that amounts to investment without return.

    Corporation meaning & definition 2 of Corporation.

  • A large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law.

    Corporation meaning & definition 3 of Corporation.

  • A [collection] of people who hate each other, working themselves to death to make [someone else] [rich].

    Corporation meaning & definition 4 of Corporation.

  • A [fascist] [regime] that is permitted to exist within a [democratic society].

    Corporation meaning & definition 5 of Corporation.

  • An entity that remains free to continue to do as it [damn well] pleases after being [convicted] of criminal activity that would have been a [capital offense] if an individual had committed it.

    Corporation meaning & definition 6 of Corporation.

  • the real controllers of the world. and no its not just America.
    Money controls everything. take control of a countries [economy], u [practically] are [the king].

    Corporation meaning & definition 7 of Corporation.

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