• A vast, sprawling palace filled with priceless artwork by Michelangelo and huge stores of golden treasures from around the world. It is used mainly as a residence for people who teach the value of living without regard for earthly possessions.

    Vatican meaning & definition 1 of Vatican.

  • The most populous country in the world, enslaving billions of people. [The Vaticans] religion is stricly similar to a mix of Ancient Egyptian religions, with a [pharoah]. Made of Roman Catholics that swear their loyalty to always follow the Vatican government first, then their own country. Contains laws like burning its own people that disagrees with the government, and doing whatever the pope says. Citizens of the Vatican believe the priests can [pull God] outta the sky and sacrifice him again.

    Vatican meaning & definition 2 of Vatican.

  • A corruption the Classical Latin vatis canii, which means place of [the alien] landing. It designates one of the seven hills in Rome. Presently denotes the seat the Roman Catholic Church, an organization notorious for hiding its alien origins. Source: [Ancient Aliens], [History Channel], 2014.

    Vatican meaning & definition 3 of Vatican.

  • Another term referring to marijuana. The term was created as [cockney] slang by taking Dope which [rhymes] with [pope] and then you have Vatican.

    Vatican meaning & definition 4 of Vatican.

  • [Worlds] smallest nation. Traditional home of [the Pope] and the [College of Cardinals].

    Vatican meaning & definition 5 of Vatican.

  • Current [city-state] wherein resides the body of the [Holy See].
    The last true democratic monarchy in the world.
    The only place in the world which has ATM machines that use Latin.
    99.9 per-cent Catholic population.
    Referring to the Roman hill on which the city-state is located.
    A utopia, although per capita it has the highest crime rate (someone stole something from the gift store once, the next day someone mixed [plastics] and glass in the recycling)

    Vatican meaning & definition 6 of Vatican.

  • The palace and official residence of the Pope in Rome.

    Vatican meaning & definition 7 of Vatican.

  • The [capital] of the modern-day version of the [Roman Empire] known as [Catholicism]

    Vatican meaning & definition 8 of Vatican.

  • The guy named think really isnt thinking at all. Why is the Catholic religion regarded as (hint-->)ROMAN [Catholicism]. Because it was founded in ROME, and when the Christians took over, [the Romans] simply adopted the New religion and renamed the gods and goddesses to saints and Mary [Mother of God] according to their tradition.

    Vatican meaning & definition 9 of Vatican.

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