To be nourished or trained up together. [Obs.] Spenser.
Foster meaning & definition 1 of Foster.
In regards to Foster. Getting so wasted that you are running into doors. Hitting the walls. Making flat-on-your-face falls into coffee tables. When this is the case youve pulled a Foster! Congratulations you are now completely inebriated and possibly a borderline alchoholic!
Foster meaning & definition 2 of Foster.
an absolutley chill and perfect guy with bright blue eyes and has a hipster side. wheels girls in but plays hard to get and makes all females fall madly over him not on purpose. beach bum with straggley hair and glasses. knows what girl he wants but plays with her heart.
Foster meaning & definition 3 of Foster.
Along with being skilled in the art of inebriation he will also possess powers of sleeping in the same beds as females but without producing the expected sexual conquest.
Foster meaning & definition 4 of Foster.
Encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable)
Foster meaning & definition 5 of Foster.
Denoting someone that has a specified family connection through fostering.
Foster meaning & definition 6 of Foster.