Of or pertaining to the Blackfeet; as, a Blackfoot Indian.-- n.
Blackfoot meaning & definition 1 of Blackfoot.
Black grime that appears on the bottom of your foot after wearing new or wet sandals.
Blackfoot meaning & definition 2 of Blackfoot.
A person that does not mind walking barefoot where ever he goes, ending up with blackfoot at the end of his or her travels
Blackfoot meaning & definition 3 of Blackfoot.
A [hippy]. An unusually smelly and filthy one with [black] feet, usually found playing sport without shoes. This breed of [hippy] seperates itself from the usual breed, liking [Nirvana], [Metallica], and [Ramstein]. They often quote things from TV and movies, yet try to pass off the quote as their own. Contact is not encouraged, as the response will most likely be a quote, or a I'll put this scarf around you as my hippy initiation and pretend like I didn't just touch you at all
Blackfoot meaning & definition 4 of Blackfoot.
to be denied some sort of benefit or positive thing because of one's race; mostly associated with african americans...
Blackfoot meaning & definition 5 of Blackfoot.