One who, or that which, disgraces, or makes ashamed. Beau
Shamer meaning & definition 1 of Shamer.
something that happens thats so embarassing it makes you want to show all your friends naked baby photos of yourself just to make them stop talking about what you did.
Shamer meaning & definition 2 of Shamer.
A public e-mail sent out to the entire company detailing in explicit fashion an embarassing or lack of skill that is directed at one specific individual. Also can involve the lack of attention to detail, such as the taking the last Diet Coke from the fridge and not replacing the cold one with warm ones from the cabinet.
Shamer meaning & definition 3 of Shamer.
A person who publicly mocks or criticizes someone for a particular aspect of their appearance or behaviour in order to make them feel humiliated or ashamed.
Shamer meaning & definition 4 of Shamer.