The act of accrediting; as, letters of accreditation.
Accreditation meaning & definition 1 of Accreditation.
A way for the government to tell people which school to go to.
Accreditation meaning & definition 2 of Accreditation.
A total scam brought about by a good old boys club and federal government criminals to bilk dumb college brats out of their dads money, and thereby send them away with a so called education where thay are more stupid when they leave than when they started.
Accreditation meaning & definition 3 of Accreditation.
the fact of being officially recognized, accepted, or approved of, or the act of officially recognizing, accepting, or approving of something:
Accreditation meaning & definition 4 of Accreditation.
The action or process of officially recognizing someone as having a particular status or being qualified to perform a particular activity.
Accreditation meaning & definition 5 of Accreditation.