To separate from the awns; -- said of barley. [Scot.]
Hummel meaning & definition 1 of Hummel.
A German self-propelled gun used during World War II. It was an 88mm gun on a Panzer 4 chassis. Literally, Hummel is German for bumblebee.
Hummel meaning & definition 2 of Hummel.
To destroy something in the carrying out of some act. FUBAR. To destroy something beyond any recognition. To permanently change from one form to a less pleasing and desireable form.
Hummel meaning & definition 3 of Hummel.
Originally the Hummel was a temporary solution made by the Nazis during World War II to make the 15 cm howitzer gun (type of big artillary) mobile. This design proved so successful that it remained into service until the end of the war. The Hummel made its first appearance at the battle of Kursk.
Hummel meaning & definition 4 of Hummel.
When a woman is performing oral sex on a male and he busts up in her mouth. She then spits out the cum and licks it back up.
Hummel meaning & definition 5 of Hummel.
Fat ass
A person who is attracted to food, eats too much, and has a gravitational pull.
Hummel meaning & definition 6 of Hummel.
A person who is a feminist [nymphomaniac]. She usually is in some sort of teaching position, and enjoys [screwing] students over if they complain about her to her boss.
Although Hummel is her formal name or nickname, many know her simply by thatHummel meaning & definition 7 of Hummel.
A general term used to express the fact that someone or something is God's Gift To Women.
Hummel meaning & definition 8 of Hummel.
Someone who is rejected by [frats] in college so they go to the worst [frat party] to try to fit in and drink while getting high all the time. Rejected by girls and hangs out with people who look like [pinocchio]
Hummel meaning & definition 9 of Hummel.