Acting from behind and in concealment; as backdoor intrigues.
Backdoor meaning & definition 1 of Backdoor.
The anus, vis-a-vis [anal sex].
Backdoor meaning & definition 2 of Backdoor.
To gain unauthorized access in a surprise move to an undefended entry point.
In the context of the game [Risk], to prevent a player from earining the [North America] bonus on his/her turn, by taking the country of [Alaska] by [Kamchatka].
To access a program or computer through opened [ports] or scripts originally intened to allow the creator(s) special access to software or files.
The act of performing non-consensual [anal sex].Backdoor meaning & definition 3 of Backdoor.
A tactic that has been used many times in the American version of Big
Backdoor meaning & definition 4 of Backdoor.
Catching two cards in a row to make a particular hand.
Backdoor meaning & definition 5 of Backdoor.
taking or swooping up a another guy or girls main.
Backdoor meaning & definition 6 of Backdoor.
A piece of code built into software which allows it's creator entry. This type of system is usually unneccecary, but has two main reasons.
- To automatically create an account with full priviledges that is hidden from the user(s) of the program, so any time they get locked out the creator can log in and solve the prblem for them (a maintenance account)
- as above, but with ulterior motives. See [spyware]
- As above, but because the software is not designed for used by it's creator.
Particularly common in movies about or involving computer hacking.
Backdoor meaning & definition 7 of Backdoor.
To enviously kill [a friend] or someone who [trusted] you [unbeknownst] to them
Backdoor meaning & definition 8 of Backdoor.
To go [behind] [someones] back and [betray] them
Backdoor meaning & definition 9 of Backdoor.
When someone [tryna] take [ya girl] [on the low]
Backdoor meaning & definition 10 of Backdoor.
Being a [middle man] to a drug transaction. [Short stopping] a play. Taking [out of the money] or drugs that someone else trusted you with.
Backdoor meaning & definition 11 of Backdoor.
In League Of Legends , it means you [siege] unguarded enemy [turrets] while [your team] is fighting the other team elsewhere.
Backdoor meaning & definition 12 of Backdoor.
When your friend has a girl he fucking and [wen] he stop [messing] wit her u go behind him and [fuck her]
Backdoor meaning & definition 13 of Backdoor.
relating to something that is done secretly or in a way that is not direct or honest:
Backdoor meaning & definition 14 of Backdoor.
The rear door of a building.
Backdoor meaning & definition 15 of Backdoor.