Longhorn meaning & definition 1 of Longhorn.
- An [irresistable] member of an elite community, which focuses on preparing for the future, kicking major ass in all serious sports, and dominating the job market after graduation.
- A well balanced student.
- One who has a [liberated] mind and uses his fantastic mental powers to benefit the [quality of life].
- 90% of the time, a wealthy and successful leader in his area of occupation.
Longhorn meaning & definition 2 of Longhorn.
[The G].I. Joe [codename] for [Windows Vista].
Longhorn meaning & definition 3 of Longhorn.
A cheap (.[80]) can of [chewing tobacco]. Sometimes has special price of sh.[99]/can.
Longhorn meaning & definition 4 of Longhorn.
When the top of a [thong] a girl is wearing shows above her pants, forming [a shape] much like a longhorn [bulls] head.
Longhorn meaning & definition 5 of Longhorn.
a [tea sip], a nipple piercing, weed-smoking stain on the future of humanity that [festers] in Austin [TX]
Longhorn meaning & definition 6 of Longhorn.
1.) Individual with lacking intelligence and extremely [dillusional] prospects at a chance of glory not involving sucking from the teats of their fathers. (i.e. Chris [Simms]!)
2.) Animal always forced to watch its own ass in fear of another visit from [Mack Brown]. (i.e. Sodomy)Longhorn meaning & definition 7 of Longhorn.
the school whos [football team] cant [beat] [the SOONERS]!
Longhorn meaning & definition 8 of Longhorn.
When you get with a [hot chic] that you know you will never get the chance to ever get with again, You [throw one in] the pink and one [in the stink] with your index and pinky fingers. (Like the Shocker)
Longhorn meaning & definition 9 of Longhorn.
An animal of a breed of cattle with long horns.
Longhorn meaning & definition 10 of Longhorn.
a cow from a breed with long horns
Longhorn meaning & definition 11 of Longhorn.