having a reddish-purple colour:
An aniline dye obtained as an amorphous substance having agreen bronze surface color, which dissolves to a shade of red; also,the color; -- so called from Magenta, in Italy, in allusion to thebattle fought there about the time the dye was discovered. Calledalso fuchsine, roseïne, etc.
Magenta meaning & definition 1 of Magenta.
The color a man will call his car if it is really pink.
Magenta meaning & definition 2 of Magenta.
The incestious English maid/domestic in The
Magenta meaning & definition 3 of Magenta.
A girl with a huge rack and is very sexy.
Magenta meaning & definition 4 of Magenta.
a word describing an ADD like feeling. you feel angsty, sad, happy, confused, anxious, all at once.
Magenta meaning & definition 5 of Magenta.
A domestic
Magenta meaning & definition 6 of Magenta.
A color: a pinkish red/something between purple and red.
Magenta meaning & definition 7 of Magenta.
Man... you really just searched up what [magenta] meant on urban dictionary. How does that make you feel? Do you feel accomplished? Do you feel proud? How did you even [get here]? [SMH].
Magenta meaning & definition 8 of Magenta.
A light purplish red that is one of the primary subtractive colors, complementary to green.
Magenta meaning & definition 9 of Magenta.