Furnished with a grate or grating; as, grated windows.
Grated meaning & definition 1 of Grated.
To be very [mad] (or [annoyed])
Grated meaning & definition 2 of Grated.
(of food) reduced to small shreds by being rubbed on a grater.
Grated meaning & definition 3 of Grated.
The after effect of smoking weed. It is almost like a weed hangover, the feeling of [lazyness], [dry mouth] and just general [lethargy].
Grated meaning & definition 4 of Grated.
Used when [someone else] has been [insulted]. Origin: comes from the fact that insults [grate] the insultee.
Grated meaning & definition 5 of Grated.
You put it between nouns and [verbs]. Means I enjoy [bubble] [baths].
Grated meaning & definition 6 of Grated.