Capable of being eaten; fit to be eaten; proper for food;esculent; edible.-- n.
Eatable meaning & definition 1 of Eatable.
Everything in the world is eatable if you break it down small enough. Not to be confused with [edible] which generally implies it is fit to eat.
Many people have eaten things that are not [edible] i.e. bicycles, televisions, shopping trolleys, glass, wood, toys etc.Eatable meaning & definition 2 of Eatable.
Eatable, meaning something which can be eaten. (Synonym for edible)
Eatable meaning & definition 3 of Eatable.
Something that doesn't make you throw up to think about eating it. Often confused with edible, becuase of the similarity. Just because something is edible, does not mean it is eatable, and vice versa.
Eatable meaning & definition 4 of Eatable.
Food you've created that isn't simply edible, but really tasty, seamless, and easy to eat.
Eatable meaning & definition 5 of Eatable.
How easy somthing is to eat. Ignorant people refuse to acknowledge the difference between Eatable an Edible. While very many things are edible some of those things are not very eatable.
Eatable meaning & definition 6 of Eatable.
This word can ONLY be used by Daniel Binselan. It is patented.
Eatable meaning & definition 7 of Eatable.
Food that is eatable is good enough to eat, but not excellent.
Eatable meaning & definition 8 of Eatable.