• a mountainous island in eastern Indonesia

    celebes meaning & definition 1 of celebes.

  • The former name of Sulawesi

    celebes meaning & definition 2 of celebes.

  • Sulawesi (), also known as Celebes (), is an island in Indonesia. One of the four Greater Sunda Islands, and the worlds eleventh-largest island, it is situated east of Borneo, west of the Maluku Islands, and south of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. Within Indonesia, only Sumatra, Borneo, and Papua are larger in territory, and only Java and Sumatra have larger populations.
    The landmass of Sulawesi includes four peninsulas: the northern Minahasa Peninsula, the East Peninsula, the South Peninsula, and the Southeast Peninsula. Three gulfs separate these peninsulas: the Gulf of Tomini between the northern Minahasa and East peninsulas, the Tolo Gulf between the East and Southeast peninsulas, and the Bone Gulf between the South and Southeast peninsulas. The Strait of Makassar runs along the western side of the island and separates the island from Borneo.

    celebes meaning & definition 3 of celebes.

  • Celebes is an old name for Sulawesi, an Indonesian island situated between Borneo and the Maluku Islands. It is the worlds eleventh-largest island and is known for its mountainous areas, rich biodiversity, and unique indigenous cultures.

    celebes meaning & definition 4 of celebes.

  • an island in the centre of the Eastern Archipelago, third in size, in the shape of a body with four long limbs, traversed by mountain chains, and the greater part of it a Dutch possession, though it contains a number of small native states; it yields among its mineral products gold, copper, tin, c.; and among its vegetable, tea, coffee, rice, sugar, pepper, c.; capital. Macassar.

    celebes meaning & definition 5 of celebes.

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