• The American quail or bobwhite. The name is also applied toother related species. See Bobwhite.

    Colin meaning & definition 1 of Colin.

  • A name for sexy boys who often use guitars. Often confused with Colon, the body part. Common to be very popular with girls; potentially due to large penis oh yeah..

    Colin meaning & definition 2 of Colin.

  • If you ask me, Colin is a British English name.
    Colm is the Irish equivilant.
    Colin does mean Victor or Victorious as mentioned.
    Id also have to agree that Colin is a man who falls deeply in love with a woman.
    He's really cool too and usually a sharp character, doesnt particularly like Colm though.
    Colin gets irritated when people get his name wrong, e.g. Connor, Colm, Colon, Cailin, Conan.

    Colin meaning & definition 3 of Colin.

  • a guy i think is cute, funny, sweet (im gonna stop here before it gets gay and mushy), about as white as white gets and even though he was a virgin, he was better in bed than most people

    Colin meaning & definition 4 of Colin.

  • The sexiest someone can get, this person is really, genuinly nice and great in bed. Woman in parts of Southern America use Colin as a way of saying that they're boyfriend is very good in bed, sexually.

    Colin meaning & definition 5 of Colin.

  • A man who has the strength to face his darkest hours yet not crumble to them. One who never will give up. As in greek victor but more so.
    A musician in heart, with the ability to pull his own passions and power together and give that gift to the world.

    Colin meaning & definition 6 of Colin.

  • Usually a sexy boy who is good with the girls and has an abnormally large dick. Every girl loves him and thinks he is funny. Mostly they have brown hair and brown eyes. Fun to be around and is amazing in bed with girls. Barely any Colins are gay. Mostly tall thin and athletic.

    Colin meaning & definition 7 of Colin.

  • usually an irish/asian guy who hides his true feelings. His love for someone is very complex. He may love a certain person, but another close person even more without showing any emotion towards that person.

    Colin meaning & definition 8 of Colin.

  • A man who urinates on the females he sleeps with.

    Colin meaning & definition 9 of Colin.

  • name usually associated with a guitar god, and amazing vocalist. usually colin's are friends with everyone, and are always there for you when needed. have an infectious smile, and laugh. when you're around a colin you cannot help but to be happy. colins are the best person you can be friends with, if you don't have a colin in your life you should probably go get one asap. sometimes the name colin gets confused with colon, which is okay because you cannot live without either one of these!

    Colin meaning & definition 10 of Colin.

  • Addresses an overwhelming influx of questions and potential disjoints in communication. A software product by Intelogy

    Colin meaning & definition 11 of Colin.

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