In a technical manner; according to the signification of termsas used in any art, business, or profession.
Technically meaning & definition 1 of Technically.
When used at the beginning of a sentence, this word is a variety of the 'filler' word [basically]. Another direct replacement for technically is [essentially]. Maybe the speaker sees his or her own bad speech patterns and recycles these three words while speaking. Filler words add absolutely nothing to the sentence being spoken. Other filler words include [like], [just], [and stuff] and [y'know], but they tend to be in the middle of or at the end of a sentence. Filler words are rarely used in writing and are part of acquired speech habits.
Technically meaning & definition 2 of Technically.
What 12 year olds say to sound smart. Often found said by smartasses to make someone look wrong and stupid.
Technically meaning & definition 3 of Technically.
Means basically. If some thing is complicated, or a smudge complex, it can relate back to the first bit. Just look at the example...
Technically meaning & definition 4 of Technically.
The word that says, Im explaining something very scientific now" But means, "You dont
Technically meaning & definition 5 of Technically.
to start a sentance instead of basically
Technically meaning & definition 6 of Technically.
according to an exact understanding of rules, facts, etc.:
Technically meaning & definition 7 of Technically.