The proportion of weights of fine metal and alloy establishedby authority.By the present standard of the coinage, sixty-two shillings is coinedout of one pound weight of silver. Arbuthnot.
Standard meaning & definition 1 of Standard.
a word to describe something which goes without saying.
Standard meaning & definition 2 of Standard.
assumed. part of the natural way of things. the way things have always been.
Standard meaning & definition 3 of Standard.
Doing that which you always do; expected, based on observed behavior over time
Standard meaning & definition 4 of Standard.
A term used to describe something that is so [ordinary] and expected [to be like] that, no one should [expect] otherwise.
Standard meaning & definition 5 of Standard.
word used by the sub-culture for anything they feel like, basically a new, stroppier version of cool...only used by total [plebs] that lack the ability to speak their own language due to peer pressure.
anti-cultural metaphor that when uttered, perfectly exemplifies the [devolution] of its exponents, who in contrast see themselves as the [avant garde].Standard meaning & definition 6 of Standard.
Another name for [a manual] [transmission] cars. Back when automatic first came out, all [the cars] had manual transmissions and automatic was optional, so cars came standard with a manual transmission.
Standard meaning & definition 7 of Standard.
A level of quality or attainment.
Standard meaning & definition 8 of Standard.
[Standard] is short for Standard [Operating] Procedure. It is abbreviated as [standard] or simply [STD].
This is the standard reply given to general statements made that are more than obvious or typical.
Standard meaning & definition 9 of Standard.