A picture representing or symbolizing the early infancy ofChrist. The simplest form is the babe in a rude cradle, and the headsof an ox and an ass to express the stable in which he was born.
Nativity meaning & definition 1 of Nativity.
In the event of being born, I figure, everything is improvised. All or in part, one moves as if in a painting, whether in the Renaissance, in the twentieth century, or not. The gallery goers (who might be schoolkids for all I know) realize that place and time are unimportant. This thought is so intimate everyone thinks they had it themselves. Ultimately, only circumstances we notice are the thing: the horoscope, the canonization, the flight into Egypt. The high marble reliefs. The whole darned tableau. Being first is a cure for so many things.
Nativity meaning & definition 2 of Nativity.
the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated by Christians at Christmas:
Nativity meaning & definition 3 of Nativity.
The occasion of a persons birth.
Nativity meaning & definition 4 of Nativity.