Without sudden change of direction or curvature; smooth;fowing; -- said of the figure of a vessel, and of surfaces, waterlines, and other lines.
Fair meaning & definition 1 of Fair.
Replacement for the word true with some sickkunt style. TT original.
Fair meaning & definition 2 of Fair.
Adjective. Comparative, fairer; Superlative, [fairest]
Original meaning is beautiful, elegant, attractive. Derived from Old English faeger and Old Norse fagr, and from proto-Germanic fagraz (suitable, fitting, nice). Applies to the weather as well as to physical beauty.
Since the [nobility] in England generally defined what beauty was, and since the nobility were pale because they were rich enough that they didnt have to work under the sun, fair took on the connotation of pale or bright in color; [fair-haired], fair-skinned, etc.
Through loosening of the meaning of the word, fair also came to mean just, equitable, as in a fair trial.Fair meaning & definition 3 of Fair.
Similar to [true] or [good point] or an [astute] observation
Fair meaning & definition 4 of Fair.
[Not to be] [confused] with [equal].
Fair meaning & definition 5 of Fair.
Just, right, as opposed to one-sided and [biased].
[Mediocre], [not bad] but not good.
Pale, of light color. Applied to hair, it signifies blonde.
Beautiful, especially applied to women.
Fair meaning & definition 6 of Fair.
According to most South-West Asians: Having a good, clear complexion.
A fair-skinned person is considered attractive regardless of whether that person has a [symmetrical] face or a healthy figure. Ive noticed that certain people who would not be considered attractive in the United States are considered beautiful here because of their [light skin]. The [flipside] is that some who are considered unattractive because of darker skin would be considered attractive in countries outside of India. The equation is simple: in India, light skin equals beauty.
A single doctor who advertises himself as tall, dark and
handsome would get far more attention from women than
a single writer whos tall, fair and unemployed.Fair meaning & definition 7 of Fair.