• Of or pertaining to Luther; adhering to the doctrines of Lutheror the Lutheran Church.

    Lutheran meaning & definition 1 of Lutheran.

  • The name 'Lutheran' was given to people who followed Martin Luther in the reformation of the church. They believed that Martin Luther was right in his interpretation of the Bible.
    The Lutheran Church is described by having been begun by Martin Luther in 1517. The Reformation was the movement which gave rise to Protestant churches and the decline of the power of Roman Catholicism. The Reformation sought to reform Christianity by returning it to original beliefs based solely on reference to the Bible, eliminating later additions which accumulated in tradition.
    The main points are:
    We are saved by the grace of God alone -- not by anything we do;

    Our salvation is through faith alone -- we only need to believe that our sins are forgiven for Christ's sake, who died to redeem us;

    The Bible is the only norm of doctrine and life -- the only true standard by which teachings and doctrines are to be judged.

    Scriptures and worship need to be done in the language of the people.

    Lutheran meaning & definition 2 of Lutheran.

  • Chill Christians

    Lutheran meaning & definition 3 of Lutheran.

  • The Lutheran church was founded after Martin Luther and his followers were kicked out of the Church of Rome at the Edict of Worms.
    Martin Luther exposed the contradictions and corruptions of the church leaders and sought to reform their ways and get back to the basics of the bible.
    The Lutherans originally wanted to be called Evangelicals, but the term Lutherans stuck.
    The Lutherans are the largest branch of the Protestants.

    Lutheran meaning & definition 4 of Lutheran.

  • A religion where a bunch of people worship a guy who translated the bible.

    Lutheran meaning & definition 5 of Lutheran.

  • of or relating to the part of Protestant Christianity that is based on the ideas of the German religious leader Martin Luther:

    Lutheran meaning & definition 6 of Lutheran.

  • A follower of Martin Luther.

    Lutheran meaning & definition 7 of Lutheran.

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