• To move quickly up and down; to bob up and down, as a cork onrough water; also, to bubble. Cotton.

    Popple meaning & definition 1 of Popple.

  • Popple is a local term in the upper midwest for Quaking Aspen or Trembling Aspen. Populus tremuloides

    Popple meaning & definition 2 of Popple.

  • Someone who has wrapped themselves in a duvet or suchlike that it forms a cuddly ball, and they just sit there looking cute and huggable.

    Popple meaning & definition 3 of Popple.

  • A person who shows up for a job interview that:

    1. Doesn't wear the correct attire for an interview. (Ex: Jeans, shorts, t-shirts, clothes with tears or holes)
    2. Does not bring a copy of their resume.
    3. Acts insane or stupid.
    4. Shows up very late for the interview.
    5. Is on drugs during the interview process.

    Popple meaning & definition 4 of Popple.

  • The term used to describe smoking a [popper] by using a plastic bottle as a bong, as opposed to using a glass or plastic bong. Popples are usually harsher than poppers and are known to cause vomiting in inexperienced users.

    Popple meaning & definition 5 of Popple.

  • The guy in Mario and luigi superstar saga who smokes lotz of shet. he gets high and loves fuking his shet. it's so fun to smoke shet that its good. Wario waluigi mario and luigi can't compare to this shet smokin bad ass pimp ass muthafucker

    Popple meaning & definition 6 of Popple.

  • A word that my wife from Minnesotta and some of her family thinks is the name of a tree. The name of the tree is actually poplar, but those folk from the upper midwest have lazy toungues I guess.

    Popple meaning & definition 7 of Popple.

  • THE GREATEST SHADOW THIEF EVER!! FREE HEE HEEE!! XD He appears on Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, and many people call him cute. His short temper makes him awesome, and his wide, evil, sneaky grin makes him look awesome. XD

    Popple meaning & definition 8 of Popple.

  • A Gollum like creature who lives in cupboards and in pipes. He is a slimy stinky sack and known as Sir Stinkyface Mankeypants

    Popple meaning & definition 9 of Popple.

  • worlds [greatest] [name] and also a [teddy]

    Popple meaning & definition 10 of Popple.

  • When you [bust a fat nut] into a [sock] and hit [your brother] with it

    Popple meaning & definition 11 of Popple.

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