The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface. [U.S.] Apex ofthe earth's motion (Astron.), that point of the heavens toward whichthe earth is moving in its orbit.
Apex meaning & definition 1 of Apex.
Located in North Carolina; home of the Cougars, the Cougar Crazies,
Apex meaning & definition 2 of Apex.
The summit of anything.
Apex meaning & definition 3 of Apex.
The highest point, the vertex; the point of culmination. Used as an adjective to express immense approval (Apex is the highest praise that can be given to anything, ever.)
Apex meaning & definition 4 of Apex.
The act of aggressively pursuing one of the preferred sex. In the same way that an apex predator will viciously stalk and attack its prey. Often times without the target being aware.
Apex meaning & definition 5 of Apex.
A graphical language used in Arcane Empires App game on the Swift5 server. Born of necessity due to a game bug allowing a specific user to only use specific touch keyboard non-alpha keys.
Apex meaning & definition 6 of Apex.
The most ruthless Sudanese gang in Melbourne, they dont
Apex meaning & definition 7 of Apex.
to hit with a sharp blow of the fist, typically in the face/head area.
Apex meaning & definition 8 of Apex.
Apex, As in 'something short and blonde', something that should be 'nicer to its boyfriend'. Something that is in danger of being eaten by a beast.
Apex meaning & definition 9 of Apex.
A program designed for students who were told in elementary school that they were gifted but now just cry themselves to their less than four hours of average sleep per night since they’[re up] late taking notes on something that will be irrelevant by the time the next unit rolls around. Infested with [AP] and [honors] classes which are much harder than they need to be.
Apex meaning & definition 10 of Apex.
[The top] or highest [part] of something, especially one forming a [point].
Apex meaning & definition 11 of Apex.
Apex a town in [north carolina] that sucks its as bad as it can possibly be and filled with a bunch of [hicks] that eat [bojangles] all day
Apex meaning & definition 12 of Apex.
Apex in Parachuting. The hole at the top of the canopy.
Apex meaning & definition 13 of Apex.