• A half god, or an inferior deity; a fabulous hero, theoffspring of a deity and a mortal.

    Demigod meaning & definition 1 of Demigod.

  • Basically, a half God. Has more powers than a mortal but less than a full-fledged god. All in theory.

    Demigod meaning & definition 2 of Demigod.

  • A demigod is a half mortal, half God. A demigod posses God like characteristic, in which some are humanly impossible, or exaggerations in which a mortal couldn't obtain; however posses certain mortal characteristics which leaves them vulnerable by mortal standards.

    Demigod meaning & definition 3 of Demigod.

  • half [god], half [mortal].. but usually a [product] of [Zeus]'s [swaggg]

    Demigod meaning & definition 4 of Demigod.

  • A being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank.

    Demigod meaning & definition 5 of Demigod.

  • (in ancient stories) a being who is partly human and partly a god:

    Demigod meaning & definition 6 of Demigod.

  • a person who is part mortal and part god

    Demigod meaning & definition 7 of Demigod.

  • dem′i-god, n. half a god: one whose nature is partly divine, esp. a hero fabled to be the offspring of a god and a mortal:—fem. Dem′i-godd′ess. [Fr. demi, half, and god.]

    Demigod meaning & definition 8 of Demigod.

  • A hacker with years of experience, a world-wide reputation, and a
    major role in the development of at least one design, tool, or game used by
    or known to more than half of the hacker community. To qualify as a
    genuine demigod, the person must recognizably identify with the hacker
    community and have helped shape it. Major demigods include Ken Thompson
    and Dennis Ritchie (co-inventors of Unix and
    C), Richard M. Stallman (inventor of
    EMACS), Larry Wall (inventor of
    Perl), Linus Torvalds (inventor of
    Linux), and most recently James Gosling (inventor of
    Java, NeWS, and GOSMACS) and
    Guido van Rossum (inventor of Python). In their
    hearts of hearts, most hackers dream of someday becoming demigods
    themselves, and more than one major software project has been driven to
    completion by the authors veiled hopes of apotheosis. See also
    net.god, true-hacker,
    ubergeek. Since 1995 or so this term has been
    gradually displaced by ubergeek.

    Demigod meaning & definition 9 of Demigod.

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