Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
A disease, usually accompanied by colicky pains and diarrhea,caused by the presence of ascarids in the gastrointestinal canal.
Ascariasis meaning & definition 1 of Ascariasis.
A cripling and horrifying disease that consists of a bunch of worms ranging in size that live inside the host. Most cases, they give no symptoms. Basiaclly a ball of worms living inside you
Ascariasis meaning & definition 2 of Ascariasis.
Ascariasis is infection caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, an intestinal roundworm, or occasionally by Ascaris suum (which causes ascariasis in pigs).
People acquire the infection by swallowing the roundworm eggs, usually in food.
When first infected, people may have no symptoms or may develop fever, coughing, wheezing, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
Children with a heavy, chronic infection may not grow normally, or worms can block the intestine or bile duct, resulting in severe pain and vomiting.
Doctors usually diagnose the infection by identifying the eggs or worms in a stool sample.
People are treated with antiparasitic drugs such as albendazole .(See also Overview of Parasitic Infections.)
Ascariasis is the most common roundworm infection in people, occurring in about 807 millionAscariasis meaning & definition 3 of Ascariasis.
Infection of the intestine with ascarids.
Ascariasis meaning & definition 4 of Ascariasis.