• An anarch; one who advocates anarchy of aims at the overthrowof civil government.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 1 of Anarchist.

  • anarchists are people who want to live under their own authority. political authority is what they are against, and some will go to extreme measures. anarchists are extremely peaceful, but when time comes to take action they go right ahead. they are anti-consumeristic and often times grow their own food. anarchism these days is often found in youth, particularly people around the punk rock scene. anarchists are not people who make bombs etc. this is where the title for the anarchist cookbook went wrong.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 2 of Anarchist.

  • First of all you all are the idiots. Anarchists are not people who blow up bombs or pretend to be hardcore just for attention or to make people pissed. They are not all obnoxious 12 year olds who hate their parents. They're not people who draw A's on their hands and on signs for attention. What they are, is people who believe that people should have the freedom to actually run their own lives without someone making their decisions for them. The only reason most of them vote is beacause, if people are going to be so dumb as not to give their ideas any thought, then they might as well have what little say in their lives as they are allowed. What most people see as anarchists is just the stereotype people have developed due to some idiots who decided that anarchy should be a fad. There is no sure way to tell if anarchy will work or not because people are so closed-minded, that they wont even give it any thought.Of course we need something to stop crime but the government, as it has proven many times, sure isn't it.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 3 of Anarchist.

  • One who aims to create anarchy, a society within which individuals freely co-operate together as equals. Somebody who opposes all forms of hierarchical control - be that control by the state or a capitalist - as harmful to the individual and their individuality as well as unnecessary.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 4 of Anarchist.

  • A form of political ideology whose ideas are actually no more crazy than the ideas of other types of political ideologies; all have their flaws and benefits. Unfortunately, most people will never understand this because (1) they're too lazy and closed-minded to bother learning anything about the real meaning of the word anarchist and instead prefer to repeat the biased and generally inaccurate crap they were taught about it in their high school classes, and (2) within recent years, the word has sadly been stolen and had its meaning mutilated by stupid angst-filled teenagers who don't really understand the concept of anarchy any more than the average person, but love to call themselves anarchists because they think it sounds bad-ass. It's such a shame that the meaning of a word can be so thoroughly distorted by one clueless group of people who just happen to be really loud about it.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 5 of Anarchist.

  • [anti-government], plain and simple. all forms of heirarchy are rejected by an anarchist. Almost communism or socialism but in the same way not really. think of martial law. the only person who rules over you, is yourself.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 6 of Anarchist.

  • One who supports the concept of anarchy.

    Obnoxious 12 year old whose primary reading material is totse.com, wears shitty scream metal t-shirts or hooded sweatshirts bearing the ever-so-rebellious anarchy symbol, and fantasizes about gunpowder and pipe bombs while masturbating. Usually very short-tempered, this being a direct result of their unbelievably cruel upbringing as a scrawny, middle-class white kid in the suburbs.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 7 of Anarchist.

  • Someone who speaks out against the monarchry of their own nation.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 8 of Anarchist.

  • a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
    a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order.
    a complete lack of order.
    Although Anarchy is generally thought of as a complete lack of govt, and some individuals who think thats a great idea, have tried to claim the term Anarchists as a way to describe themselves, they are mistaken, someone who seeks to overthrow any form of govt through violence AND apon success of said endeavor wants no form of authority be put in its place is an Anarchist. The correct term for someone who just wants to live without rules is dreamer and although I love dreams myself, I recognize that there is just no way people can live in large groups without some sort of mechanism in place to bring about order. History has proven this time and time again.

    Anarchist meaning & definition 9 of Anarchist.

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