• Damp; moist; humid; wet.Now that the fields are dank and ways are mire. Milton.Cheerless watches on the cold, dank ground. Trench.

    Dank meaning & definition 1 of Dank.

  • Also an expression requently used by stoners and hippies for something of high quality.

    Dank meaning & definition 2 of Dank.

  • sticky, hairy, stinky, and highly potent marijuana.

    Dank meaning & definition 3 of Dank.

  • really potent weed, produced by proper slow drying of harvested plant material, usually requiring curing (putting plant material in paper bag, folding over top, placing that bag in another bag. Thus reducing air and light contact on said plant materials, so when you go to retrieve some of said plant materials, it is still moist, green and sticky because the resin glands are still intact and 'sweating'.

    Dank meaning & definition 4 of Dank.

    1. Potent weed.
      i.e. [Krippy], [KindBud], [Bomb Nugget]
      2.Adjective meaning good.

    Dank meaning & definition 5 of Dank.

  • Formerly used to denote really potent weed, it now means really or awesome

    Dank meaning & definition 6 of Dank.

  • High quality weed (chronic).

    Dank meaning & definition 7 of Dank.

  • Dank, is an adjective which is over-used by people in general and mostly by people trying to appear cool to their stoner friends. Dank means dark, sticky, gooey, and potent. It was originally a common word to describe disgusting basements and caves ect. Then the world of pot took it over and was using it very correctly to describe very potent strains of marijuana, seeing as the definition of dank meets all the qualities you find in good marijuana. Then squares and people who wanted to look cool to stoners started using it to describe anything they think is cool which in turns makes them believe they themselves are cool as well. In reality it makes them seem as illiterate as an ape. M

    Dank meaning & definition 8 of Dank.

  • The word dank can be:
    An adjective describing unpleasant dampness or humidity.
    a word used to describe high potency [cannabis] that is still moist.
    An adjective describing something as positive or awesome.

    Dank meaning & definition 9 of Dank.

  • [Fuckwits] think this means ‘of high quality’; in fact what it means unpleasantly damp, cold, [musty] [smelly] and [thoroughly] [nasty], a bit like the [wankers] who think it means high quality.

    Dank meaning & definition 10 of Dank.

  • [Fuckwits] think this means ‘of high quality’; in fact what it means unpleasantly damp, cold, [musty] [smelly] and [thoroughly] [nasty], a bit like the [wankers] who think it means high quality.

    Dank meaning & definition 11 of Dank.

  • Unpleasantly damp and cold.

    Dank meaning & definition 12 of Dank.

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