• To take to graze or pasture, at a certain sum; -- usedoriginally of the feeding of cattle in the king's forests, andcollecting the money for the same. Blackstone.

    Agist meaning & definition 1 of Agist.

  • Ageist = discrimination on the basis of age.
    Agist = graze cattle on pasture for payment.

    Agist meaning & definition 2 of Agist.

  • To discriminate against somebody's age. Telling some one he/she is too young to do something. It's like being sexist but against age.

    Agist meaning & definition 3 of Agist.

  • A person who discriminates against people that are not their age.

    Agist meaning & definition 4 of Agist.

  • Someone who uses [agism], usually by an adult who obviously cannot remember his or her childhood becuase if they did they'd think that kids deserve [rights].

    Agist meaning & definition 5 of Agist.

  • Judging someone by his or her age.

    Agist meaning & definition 6 of Agist.

  • [Age] [racist].
    [Racism] towards [age]

    Agist meaning & definition 7 of Agist.

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