• A light vehicle for conveying small loads. It has two handlesand one wheel, and is rolled by a single person.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 1 of Wheelbarrow.

  • the wheelbarrow position consists of of intercourse standing up against a wall. The man holes the woman's legs apart, like a wheelbarrow, as she leans against the wall, while he thrusts inside of her. This position allows for easier G-spot stimulation.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 2 of Wheelbarrow.

  • Sexual position where the man holds the girls legs up to waist height, while she balences on her hand, then he proceeds to have sex with her whilst walking around the room.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 3 of Wheelbarrow.

  • A sexual position that originates from the Standing Dog position. The top dog then raises the bottom dog's hind legs. The bottom dog is required to balance themselves on their hands. The Wheelbarrow is also the fourth step of Cave Canem. It precedes the Hoover Maneuver and follows Doggystyle.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 4 of Wheelbarrow.

  • Wheeling someone secretly, without the knowledge of the whole public...

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 5 of Wheelbarrow.

  • A heavy mountain bike usually only seen on trails being pushed up or walked down hills.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 6 of Wheelbarrow.

  • 21st century symbol of Western Communism;
    modern version of [Hammer] and [Sickle] representing [Communism]

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 7 of Wheelbarrow.

  • small usually single-wheeled vehicle that is used for carrying small loads and is fitted with handles at the rear by which it can be pushed and guided

    A finishing move so powerful its been so often referred to the US Shock and Awe Campaign, where the motive is to nullify or imbolize your opponent

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 8 of Wheelbarrow.

  • Rather rude (Aesopian) indicator for a person of Negroid extraction. Comes from the joke: Why is it that wheelbarrows were invented in Africa? Answer: They were used to teach the natives to walk on their hind legs before being shipped to the Americas.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 9 of Wheelbarrow.

  • A trusted male friend who is tasked with ensuring a girl's safety when out clubbing, including getting her home safely.

    The wheelbarrow shall be required to defend her from any unwanted male attention, and to take her home should she get too drunk. On the way home he may be required to piggyback her, carry her up stairs, hold her hair while she vomits, and tuck her safely into bed.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 10 of Wheelbarrow.

  • A small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear, used typically for carrying loads in building work or gardening.

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 11 of Wheelbarrow.

  • a large, open container for moving things in with a wheel at the front and two handles at the back, used especially in the garden

    Wheelbarrow meaning & definition 12 of Wheelbarrow.

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