• A scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life;specifically, a scheme which contemplates the abolition ofinequalities in the possession of property, as by distributing allwealth equally to all, or by holding all wealth in common for theequal use and advantage of all.

    Communism meaning & definition 1 of Communism.

  • Communism is the final stage of the political reform started witha revolution, according to Marx. First masses of workers will rebel in a industrialezed country; they will implant a socialist government in order to adapt the country for later changes. After private property is banished, and the people possess everything, thenthere will be no need for government, thus the state will be destroyed, to form a society with no social classes. It important to remember that Marx knew that the mentality of man needed to change in order of this to work. He believe in the concept of the new

    Communism meaning & definition 2 of Communism.

  • A nice idea (Everyone is equal, everything is shared) but one that falls to bits when greedy humans get in the way.

    Communism meaning & definition 3 of Communism.

  • Something that, in theory, is a good idea. Communism is an [ideal] that believes that everyone should share everything, so that [poverty] wouldn't exist, and there wouldn't be a gap between richer and poorer classes. The problem is, communist governments become [corrupt], because people are greedy, so it doesn't work.

    Communism meaning & definition 4 of Communism.

  • The life span of communism= 1. valuable observations about the short comings of the free market system.
    2. Stupid hypothesis formed to address these observations.
    3. Conclusion= David Hassellhoff atop the Berlin Wall and Vladimir Putin's oversized bank account.

    Communism meaning & definition 5 of Communism.

  • An economic systen the claims to support workers, yet oddly enough all the workers seem to get shot or starve under the system. Usually advocated by people who don't actually live in Communist countries and have never taken an economic class before. Despite the fact that there are communist countries in the world,they don't bother moving to one.

    Communism meaning & definition 6 of Communism.

  • Needs Less [Stalin], needs less [greed] for it to work properly.

    Also means communal ownership of everything.

    Communism meaning & definition 7 of Communism.

  • A political system invented by Karl Marx which holds no basis in reality. Marx theorized that a so-called worker's revolution would occur, a socialist government would take place, and the eventual dissolution of the state and property would occur. The system notably failed in almost every country in which it was implemented, save for a few that learned to ignore communist economics altogether (China).

    Apologists of the theory commonly argue that, if implemented correctly and man's nature were to be reformed, communism would be the ideal political philosophy; the ultimate utopia. That notion is simply wrong. A simple logical analysis:

    1. If everyone were equal, there would be no motivation for elevating oneself in society.

    2. Motivation to better oneself has been the main source of innovation throughout history.

    3. If everyone were equal, innovation would be at a minimum.

    4. If innovation would be at a minimum, technological and scholastic advancement would not occur.

    5. If advancement would not occur, we'd be stuck in the past for elongated periods of time.

    So no, political ignoramuses. True communism would be terrible, just like distorted communism. Let's leave it to the history books.

    Communism meaning & definition 8 of Communism.

  • Conceptualized system of human social organization based on the gradual eradication of economic classes through the ages. Because everyone would belong to the same class, it is believed that economic resources and power would as well be equally dispersed throughout society.
    So called experiments in communism have been nothing more than mere popular uprisings, replacing the current monopolists on economic resources and political power with a new class of social elite.

    Communism meaning & definition 9 of Communism.

  • A theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

    Communism meaning & definition 10 of Communism.

  • the belief in a society without different social classes in which the methods of production are owned and controlled by all its members and everyone works as much as they can and receives what they need

    Communism meaning & definition 11 of Communism.

  • everyone suddenly wants it when you bring a [pack] of [bubblegum] [to school]

    Communism meaning & definition 12 of Communism.

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