• To close the eyes of (a hawk or other bird) by drawing throughthe lids threads which were fastened over the head. Bacon.Fools climbs to fall: fond hopes, like seeled doves for want ofbetter light, mount till they end their flight with falling. J.Reading.

    Seel meaning & definition 1 of Seel.

  • A furry dingo with blue hair and a [kusarigama], a ancient japanese weapon.
    She can change gender and transform herself into animals and monsters.
    It's child-tempered, with short height and weight.

    Seel meaning & definition 2 of Seel.

  • to perform a seel, it is the act of barking like a seal between carages of a train

    Seel meaning & definition 3 of Seel.

  • Close (a person

    Seel meaning & definition 4 of Seel.

  • The most powerful fish to roam the planet, the [seel] spends its days [bouncing around] cities. It can be a ferocious beast if bothered, however. It will [bounce on] you until you look like a pancake. It is known for its beautiful face as well.

    Seel meaning & definition 5 of Seel.

  • SEEL is [the 2] people who would make a cute [couple] however don’t [admit] that they like each other. They are the two who are crazy after each other and obsessed with each other . Everybody at school and outside of school tells them that they should be together.

    Seel meaning & definition 6 of Seel.

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