Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
A bridge of which either the whole or a part is made to beraised up, let down, or drawn or turned aside, to admit or hindercommunication at pleasure, as before the gate of a town or castle, orover a navigable river or canal.
Drawbridge meaning & definition 1 of Drawbridge.
the act of tucking your penis up, behind your belt. Usually performed to achieve wood, hide wood, or smack a female in the forehead with.
Drawbridge meaning & definition 2 of Drawbridge.
the sexual act perfromed with two males and two females act is initiated when both males are doing the females doggy
Drawbridge meaning & definition 3 of Drawbridge.
A sexual act with two males and one female. One male will receive oral while the other will have sex from behind. The man performing sex will grab the back of the woman's head and lift it up and down on the other man's penis like a drawbridge.
Drawbridge meaning & definition 4 of Drawbridge.
Tangled hairs spanning across the buttocks near the rectum, preventing proper excretion until forcibly cleared.Drawbridge meaning & definition 5 of Drawbridge.