A derogative term or slur, said with disgust toward, a person with the normal home, job lifestyle. Usually said by a person with a carefree (homeless, [transient]) life style.
Its short lotta heels (not as in shoes) or the hell lot
The [helot] term has no bound. It can be for any gender, creed, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
A helot is normal person, usually in any line of work who are just waiting to make a sale or goes to a normal job. A guy who pays taxes, bills, invoices, fees, etc. Etc. And whose only purpose is to snag a care free person into it.
If your called one, [pay it no mind]. The person calling you it is living there chosen lifestyle and may hate or envy [ehat] you haveHelots meaning & definition 1 of Helots.