• Legal or noral qualification, as of age, residence, character,etc., necessary for certain purposes, as for holding office, formarrying, for making contracts, will, etc.; legal power or right;competency. Capacity for heat, the power of absorbing heat.Substances differ in the amount of heat requisite to raise them agiven number of thermometric degrees, and this difference is themeasure of, or depends upon, whzt is called their capacity for heat.See Specific heat, under Heat.

    Capacity meaning & definition 1 of Capacity.

  • the maximum amount that something can contain

    Capacity meaning & definition 2 of Capacity.

  • the total amount that can be contained or produced:

    Capacity meaning & definition 3 of Capacity.

  • Capacity is a secure, AI-native support automation platform to help you and your team save time and work smarter. A software product by Capacity

    Capacity meaning & definition 4 of Capacity.

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