A connoisseur of ratchet women, especially those pulled from nightclubs after last call. The [ratcheteers] natural mating call is Rihannas [Talk That Talk] which he requests from the DJ or sits in the parking lot banging from his car. The [Ratcheteer] has a specialized mating dance, similar to a body roll, used to signal ratchets that he is in heat. He is especially adept at disposing of evidence in parking lots.
Once a [ratcheteer] has identified and brought his ratchet back from the club for an afterparty he seeks out four specific environments for mating:A living room full of partygoers
A public balcony
Someones kitchen
An air mattressThe ratcheteer typically will have no recollection of the previous evening as they will sleep until noon the next day. They will only find out about their behavior once on word spreads of their [ratchetry] on social media websites. Ratcheteers will spend all Monday at work on Facebook deleting evidence so close friends and family do not discover their ratchetness.
Ratcheteer meaning & definition 1 of Ratcheteer.