• To form a scum; to become covered with scum. Also usedfiguratively.Life, and the interest of life, have stagnated and scummed over. A.K. H. Boyd.

    Scum meaning & definition 1 of Scum.

  • (adj.) Possibly the worst word you can have your name associated with.
    It is hard to define the word, but it is basically used to describe someone so disgraceful that they are seen as the lowest form of life. Worthlessness, waste

    Scum meaning & definition 2 of Scum.

  • Anyone who contributes nothing to our society, save for crime, disease and misery.

    Scum meaning & definition 3 of Scum.

  • Anybody hailing from Hull.

    Scum meaning & definition 4 of Scum.

  • Undesirable football fan following crap teams that play in yellow tops in Hertfordshire, UK.

    Scum meaning & definition 5 of Scum.

  • n. Limescale buildup, or other unsavoury impurities
    n. Supporters or playing staff of an opposition football team, generally of a local rival

    Scum meaning & definition 6 of Scum.

  • Despicable piece of shit who would steal anything or hurt anyone because the're just too low to carve out a decent way to do anything. Their futures in life usually contain the words 'Mcdonalds drive-thru' and 'Correctional Facility'. See [townie].

    Scum meaning & definition 7 of Scum.

  • A sub-species which is becoming all too common in the UK thanks to the dumbing down of the education system and the fact that the police spend their time either filling in paperwork or going after motorists. Examples of scum can be found everywhere, from the highest to the lowest parts of society. Politicians, big businessmen and the like are more corrupt and self-serving than ever. In the town where I live, psychiatrists have walked away from causing serious head injuries and from telling their patients they're possessed by ghosts. Meanwhile, it is dangerous to go out onto the streets after dark in many towns or cities. This is mainly due to brain-dead head-bangers who patrol the streets looking for prey, doing in gangs or or in pairs what they wouldn't have the guts to do on their own. Most people grow out of schoolboy-type behaviour, but there is a certain breed who seem unable to do so. They remain as yobs well into late middle-age and beyond. Indeed, I was minding my own business when someone started hooting their car-horn at me. When I gave them the finger, they stopped their car (at a crossroad, causing a hold-up). I was then threatened by some fat old git in dungarees. When I failed to be scared by his threat, he threatened me again but this time added an 'f-word', as though that made him sound scarier or more grown-up. I still failed to be scared, and he gave up and went on his way. People like this deserve only pity. And that's another thing. Scum of all ages seem to think swearing is both grown-up and the height of comedy. Their world-beaters are all over public toilet walls, galvanised-metal lamp posts and the like. They also shout things from cars as they drive by, big brave men that they are. Their girlfriends are usually brainless bimbos who think crime is glamorous and are turned on by thuggish behaviour.

    Scum meaning & definition 8 of Scum.

  • Someone who has very few morals and often does things to aggravate another person
    Someone who is arrogant and uncontiously aggravates other people
    A build up of grime on any kind of surface

    Scum meaning & definition 9 of Scum.

  • A layer of impurities that accumulates at the surface of a liquid (especially water or molten metal)

    A derogotory phrase to describe someone.

    Scum meaning & definition 10 of Scum.

  • Usually a dirty tweaker with several or more kids that lives in a run down house and listens to ICP or Kottonmouth Kings. Can be seeing walking around town in the same clothes he or she has been wearing for the past 2 weeks. Their clothing is always lose fitting with a possible iron cross logo on the front or back with something retarded printed on the inside of the cross. A lazy person that lives off of welfare and WIC and uses all forms of income to buy crank or crystal meth. They are very abundant in the 661, the home of meth and meth labs.
    A dirty oilfield roustabout.

    Scum meaning & definition 11 of Scum.

  • Scum is the epitome of a worthless, [good-for-nothing] human. They are at the bottom of the [hierarchy] of humans, even [coming in] below most fuckbois.

    Scum meaning & definition 12 of Scum.

  • [low life] person. Who insults other people because the person is [self conscious] of themselves. They act like everything [is a joke] and picks fights with everyone.

    Scum meaning & definition 13 of Scum.

  • I. (n.) A dirty or filthy substance or coating that carries an unpleasant odour.

    II. (n./ adj.) Sub-species of human being; often recognized due to severe lack of intelligence, painful fashion-sense and extreme levels of sloth.

    1/. Those lower life-forms that sport burberry and/or ridiculous amounts of Nike brand clothing. This family of scum is often referred to as chav.
    2/. Anybody who uses the word nigga or makes a grunt sounding similar, but not exclusive to: blud or shank is automatically referred to by any [decent human being] as scum.
    3/. Anything that kisses its teeth more than once a day.
    4/. The vast majority of creatures inhabiting [George Greens].
    5/. Anything [with an I].Q. lower than 50 (or supports Tottenham F.C.)

    Scum meaning & definition 14 of Scum.

  • The lowest of [the low], often used after an insult to make the target feel even lower. Examples of scum are [neds] and chavs. People [hailing] from woucster are also largely considered scum.

    Scum meaning & definition 15 of Scum.

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