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    Industrial meaning & definition 1 of Industrial.

  • [The real], [serious shit]. Doesnt [fuck around]. Be careful!!

    Industrial meaning & definition 2 of Industrial.

  • An electronic genre originating with influential group Throbbing Gristle in 1970s, on their own Industrial Records.
    The genre was created and defined by TG based off a phrase coined by Monte Cazazza, Industrial Music for Industrial People. Consisting of abrasive lyrics, dissonant and relatively abstract distorted melodies, drum machines/samplers and gratuitous use of delay and other effects, Industrial music often draws upon transgressive and shocking themes while adhering with absolutely no fucking established musical conventions In other words, it is [music theorys] worst nightmare.
    Although first wave Industrial artists are generally considered by Industrial historians to be the only true Industrial bands (and even that is sometimes reduced to just TG), the genre gave birth to dozens of genre that generally fall under the umbrella term of Post-Industrial. This includes the [Electro-Industrial] genre, comprised of bands such as Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly, the EBM genre ([Nitzer] Ebb, early Ministry, [Front 242], etc.) and the Industrial Metal/Industrial rock genres (later Ministry, [Pigface], etc.) just to name a few (the commercially lauded and probably most known post-industrial band, Nine Inch Nails, dabbled in a handful of these genres, but mostly stuck with an Industrial Rock sound in later years).

    Industrial meaning & definition 3 of Industrial.

  • A style of music started in the mid-1970s by the seminal band [Throbbing Gristle]. Known for the painful noise and disturbed subject matter that seemed to spring eternal from their seriously crazed leader, Genesis P-Orridge (he was once threatened by the axe-murder [Ian Brady]... Prompting him to write a song about Ian), TG quickly claimed a name for itself. They were often described as [the wreckers] of civilization. Industrial music was further explored by synth-whatever acts Suicide and Cabaret Voltaire, from New York and Sheffield respectively. Both shared a sort of skewed love for pop music, and both had a penchant for writing seriously weird songs, in the tradition of TG. Cab Voltaire especially was an enormous influence on the scene to follow. The Cabs were soon followed by the fledgling [Einsturzende Neubauten], possibly the most notorious of the well-known industrial groups. With more members, no drum set, and a hatred for the guitar, [Blixa Bargeld] and his band of jaded Germans unleashed a wave of broken machinery and really cool-sounding German lyrics, and throwing in danceable beats, thus giving birth to (you cant blame em) the Holocaust that is modern-day industrial. With very little respect for the experimentation of their forefathers but a strong desire to somehow work machinery into their music, a whole host of over (I will NOT say über)-angsty Goths turned to the new genre of Industrial for sanctuary. Bands like Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, and many other groups who wore their hair like Goths but were really, REALLY angry, started coming out of the woodwork. [J.G. Thirlwell] was a notable exception, bringing some seriously needed humour to the genre with his whole host of aliases (most of them containing foetus). Things only went downhill from there, and before you know it, BAM! the Nine Inch Nails.

    Industrial meaning & definition 4 of Industrial.

  • 1 - A philosophy about music started in the later 1800s by supposed father of industrial music Luigi Russolo. The first recorded piece being [Corale] in 1921 by Luigi and his brother Antonio. The philosophy included using means other than the traditional means of creating music. With such devices as intonarumori, or noise machines.

    2 - A short lived genre revived from a philosophy by [Throbbing Gristle] and continued by bands such as [Einsturzende Neubauten], Laibach and Skinny Puppy.

    3 - A term wrongly used to identify electronic and electronic rock music. Fits in with terms like techno and electronica. Industrial rock evolved out of this.

    4 - Word associated with electronic music because of the artificial way it is made.

    5 - Music beyond music.

    Industrial meaning & definition 5 of Industrial.

  • The absolute best. [Heavy Duty]. Strong, [Sturdy]. [Over the top]. Fantastic

    Industrial meaning & definition 6 of Industrial.

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