• A burrowing crab of the genus Gelasimus, of many species. Themale has one claw very much enlarged, and often holds it in aposition similar to that in which a musician holds a fiddle, hencethe name; -- called also calling crab, soldier crab, and fightingcrab.

    Fiddler meaning & definition 1 of Fiddler.

  • Derived from the word and meaning [diddler], one who goes great length to pursue girls who are usually younger than he is. Fiddlers are usually older male high school students looking to hit on freshman/sophomore females by involving themselves in their activities, no matter how misplaced they are (e.g instructor/co-ed varsity teams/yoga lessons/easier classes).

    Fiddler meaning & definition 2 of Fiddler.

  • The [country] version of a [violinist] that doesnt like [classical] music, but enjoys playing hoedowns (breakdowns) and fiddle waltzes. Found all throughout [classic country], [bluegrass], and [modern country] [music]. Also referred to as [fiddle players]

    Fiddler meaning & definition 3 of Fiddler.

  • Jewish in looks and actions, also had a fondness for kids

    also they cant drive normal cars

    Fiddler meaning & definition 4 of Fiddler.

  • A person who plays the violin, especially one who plays folk music.

    Fiddler meaning & definition 5 of Fiddler.

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