• To buy and sell, as a broker; to purchase of importers ormanufacturers for the purpose of selling to retailers; as, to jobgoods.

    Job meaning & definition 1 of Job.

  • Means by which at least 30% of your life is stolen from you to enrich the owners of a company making useless [shit] that some other poor idiot in a job will buy.

    Job meaning & definition 2 of Job.

  • Something that's impossible to find because everyone wants to only hire experienced people even though you can't get experience if no one will hire you, and they're too damned lazy to train you.

    Job meaning & definition 3 of Job.

  • A futile effort for financial independence, social acceptance and personal happiness.

    Job meaning & definition 4 of Job.

  • Just Over Broke

    Job meaning & definition 5 of Job.

  • A means by which you have to do a series of repetitive, menial, and sometimes dangerous tasks just to earn an amount of [money] that is not even enough to pay for rent and bills. 15-30 percent of the money is collected by the [government], depending on the state, corporation, and country where the work is done. Usually the work is accompanied by a self-centered, non-reasoning, short-term-profit oriented [dogfucker] called a [boss] who gets [sadis]tical pleasure from yelling at and even firing the subordinates.
    Although it is stated that college students get better paying jobs, that is usually by pure luck, regardless of the number of connections

    Job meaning & definition 6 of Job.

  • a thing that takes up much of our lives and sends a message to everyone that life sucks.

    Job meaning & definition 7 of Job.

  • A place that I bust my ass to get to, then all day I put up with a bunch of gossiping no-lives who have nothing better to do with their time, and then i come home feeling dirty, tired, and sorry that i don't have an endless supply of money that comes from a void in space.

    Job meaning & definition 8 of Job.

  • The act of volunteering to be abuse on a daily basis for barely enough money to pay your rent

    Job meaning & definition 9 of Job.

  • Working to make a living. Something that most people on the internet do not have.

    Job meaning & definition 10 of Job.

  • being [paid] to care [for shit] you do not actually [care about]

    Job meaning & definition 11 of Job.

  • A now [extinct] form of making other people [wealthy]. b. [Industrial Revolution] d. 2008.
    Times have changed and now entire countries are being bankrupted for this purpose.

    Job meaning & definition 12 of Job.

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