Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
Any one of numerous species of echinoderms belonging to theclass Asterioidea, in which the body is star-shaped and usually hasfive rays, though the number of rays varies from five to forty ormore. The rays are often long, but are sometimes so short as toappear only as angles to the disklike body. Called also sea star,five-finger, and stellerid.
Starfish meaning & definition 1 of Starfish.
When you get so high you are spread out and stuck to your bed like a starfish.
Starfish meaning & definition 2 of Starfish.
Female sexual partner who remains unmoved during lovemaking, physically non-responsive (like a ...).
Starfish meaning & definition 3 of Starfish.
the small cross shape made by the sphincter muscle or the clenching of the arsehole, sometimes called the 'ringpiece' or the 'rusty sheriff's badge'
Starfish meaning & definition 4 of Starfish.
A girl that has no talent or technique for sex. That is, she just lays there spreed out dead in the water, like a starfish.
Starfish meaning & definition 5 of Starfish.
Starfish meaning & definition 6 of Starfish.
Women that lay still, almost lifeless, with arms and legs spread during missionary sex.
Starfish meaning & definition 7 of Starfish.
Someone who is incompetent at the act of sex that they lie there like a star fish receiving it all but they never act upon it. No matter what their sexual orientation or gender. All they do is take, take, take. Oral, Anal but never give any, unless it will satisfy themself. They are usually premature and have small dicks, and have a lack of it...
Starfish meaning & definition 8 of Starfish.
a flat animal that lives in the sea and has five arms that grow from its body in the shape of a star
Starfish meaning & definition 9 of Starfish.
A marine echinoderm with five or more radiating arms. The undersides of the arms bear tube feet for locomotion and, in predatory species, for opening the shells of mollusks.
Starfish meaning & definition 10 of Starfish.