• The process of opening your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to many new possibilities. While Apple allows you to install most apps, [jailbreaking] allows you to install apps apple doesnt like, as well as tweaks (things like an alarm clock that requires math to unlock, to make sure youre truly up), add-ons (iPod controls in Notification Center), and Themes (change the icons, sounds, and system images of your device, giving it a unique look. You can also fix bugs with iOS before apple does, use your device as a wireless flash drive, change your brightness in 2 seconds flat from anywhere, remove ram restrictions (apps run much, much faster, but some battery life is wasted), tap to unlock instead of [slide to unlock], download and save youtube videos to watch offline (or if you think they will be deleted), private browsing (for all your porn needs), terminal access, FaceTime and other restricted apps on 3G, video wallpaper, make your home [screen look] and work like Android or Windows Phone 7, change system fonts, get unapproved apps rejected from (too hot for) the App Store, open a text message from anywhere, customize actions (play music when you plug in to charge (or come home with a date), open a favorite app when you [shake your phone] at the home screen, etc), extend volume WAY over Apples limit, and lots more!

    Jailbreaking meaning & definition 1 of Jailbreaking.

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