Belonging to a close or termination; decisive; convincing;putting an end to debate or question; leading to, or involving, aconclusion or decision.Secret reasons . . . equally conclusive for us as they were for them.Rogers.Conclusive evidence (Law), that of which, from its nature, the lawallows no contradiction or explanation.-- Conclusive presumption (Law), an inference which the law makes soperemptorily that it will not allow it to be overthrown by anycontrary proof, however strong.
Conclusive meaning & definition 1 of Conclusive.
A type of attitude where one instantly jumps to conclusions. Sometimes after doing so he/she refuses to hear anything more to lift this attitude.
Conclusive meaning & definition 2 of Conclusive.
proving that something is true, or ending any doubt:
Conclusive meaning & definition 3 of Conclusive.