• A bent portion of an axle, or shaft, or an arm keyed at rightangles to the end of a shaft, by which motion is imparted to orreceived from it; also used to change circular into reciprocatingmotion, or reciprocating into circular motion. See Bell crank.

    Crank meaning & definition 1 of Crank.

  • Slang, noun.
    “Crank” is slang for a low purity, crystallized [Methamphetamine] that is administered in a powder form. Crank, like all other Methamphetamines, is a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system to increase heart rate and alertness of its users. Highs on the drug last between 8 and 24 hours, and often include a violent crash period where the user tends to be prone to aggression. The drug received the nickname “crank” because it was often smuggled in the crank cases of vehicles.
    Methamphetamine is taken orally or intranasally (snorting the powder), by intravenous injection, and by smoking. A common misconception among users is that some administration methods are safer than others, while in reality all act on the body the same exact way. Methamphetamines damage nerve endings, which cause naturally occurring neurotransmitters—Dopamine and Serotonin—to be ineffective. Because Dopamine and Serotonin are responsible for easing pain (like the pain which comes from drug withdrawal), withdrawal periods are extremely painful because the body does not have its natural pain reliever to administer.
    Methamphetamine withdrawal is said to be one of the most painful experiences a human being can endure, and users of the drug should should consider other safer recreational drugs.

    Crank meaning & definition 2 of Crank.

  • A cheap form of meth made in trailer kitchens. often causes gritting of teeth, assholeyness, destruction, inability to pay bills, romantic relationships with ones aids infected cousin, and finally complete retardation.

    Crank meaning & definition 3 of Crank.

  • to turn the volume of your sound system up real loud

    Crank meaning & definition 4 of Crank.

  • to cry and wank. after one has encountered an unfortunate incident in which they are forced to cry they go away to wank and cry at the same time.

    Crank meaning & definition 5 of Crank.

  • someone who is a bit of a twat or annoying you

    Crank meaning & definition 6 of Crank.

  • A versatile term originating from students at Birch Wathen Lenox, crank is used to portray any given action (most commonly hooking up or smoking marijuana.) However, it can be used to describe any action, as it is all up to the user's discretion.
    Alternate Variations: Crank dat (any noun/verb)

    Crank meaning & definition 7 of Crank.

  • A form of less pure meth made with anhydrous ammonia and lithium. The anhydrous ammonia is used in farming through out the mid-west. Crystal is a very pure form of meth made with red phosphras and iodine. Crank is often white to a peanut butter brown in color and is in powder or rock type form.

    Crank meaning & definition 8 of Crank.

  • n. penis

    Crank meaning & definition 9 of Crank.

  • A female that display a number of the following characteristics: clingy, overly keen, smothering, controlling, easily stressed, highly opinionated, violent, emotionally volatile, unreasonable or just generally high maintenance.

    Crank meaning & definition 10 of Crank.

  • n. a crazy person, especially someone who purports to be a scientist or inventor who has discovered the answer to some important problem facing mankind, like curing all diseases, unlimited energy, levitation, aliens, etc.
    He defends his claims with the most ridiculous pseudoscientific crankisms, and claims that the government/mainstream science/experts are suppressing the truth.

    Crank meaning & definition 11 of Crank.

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