A high priest. Especially:(a) One of the sacred college, in ancient Rome, which had the supremejurisdiction over all matters of religion, at the head of which wasthe Pontifex Maximus. Dr. W. Smith.(b) (Jewish Antiq.) The chief priest.(c) (R. C. Ch.) The pope.
Pontiff meaning & definition 1 of Pontiff.
Derived from the French word Pontife or from the Latin Pontifex, a title used for high priests of the Roman Republic, with a literal meaning of bridge-builder.
Pontiff meaning & definition 2 of Pontiff.
A word currently used to describe the Pope.
Pontiff meaning & definition 3 of Pontiff.
big queer who sits at home at plays Socom 2
Pontiff meaning & definition 4 of Pontiff.
formal for pope (= the leader of the Roman Catholic Church)
Pontiff meaning & definition 5 of Pontiff.