• Containing only an outline or rough form; being in the mannerof a sketch; incomplete.The execution is sketchy throughout; the head, in particular, is leftin the rough. J. S. Harford.

    Sketchy meaning & definition 1 of Sketchy.

    1. someone or something that just isnt right.
    2. the feeling you get the morning after usuing a lot of drugs, most commonly associated with extacy.
    3. something unsafe
    4. someone or something that gives off a bad feeling

    Sketchy meaning & definition 2 of Sketchy.

  • Iffy. Questionable.

    Sketchy meaning & definition 3 of Sketchy.

  • creepy, iffy, fairly unsafe, an air of uncertainty, not kosher, and just generally something or someone that you don't want to be associated with (or really do want to be associated with, depending on who you are...)

    Sketchy meaning & definition 4 of Sketchy.

  • This expression was first coined in reference to hastily drawn out, or sketched, building/construction plans, which were uncertain at best and disastrous at worst. The overall thread of meaning is the same, but now applies to morality/legality. On the overall continuim of goodness, things progress, in order: safe, sketchy, shady, outright criminal.

    Sketchy meaning & definition 5 of Sketchy.

  • A really shady character, not one you would want to meet in a dark alleyway

    Sketchy meaning & definition 6 of Sketchy.

    1. Adj. - Describes a person that has taken too much Speed and has become untrustworthy and unpredictable.

    2. Also used to describe a place or action that is worrisome or unconfortable.

    Sketchy meaning & definition 7 of Sketchy.

  • Someone who acts suspicious, unpredictable and odd in normal situations. Someone who lacks common sense and is overly secretive. Usually someone who has used a high volume of Valium.

    Sketchy meaning & definition 8 of Sketchy.

  • Acting in a manner that is erratic, unpredictable, or untrustworthy; accompanied by paranoia, nervousness, and fidgeting - usually associated with [meth] users.

    Sketchy meaning & definition 9 of Sketchy.

  • adj.

    1. Something that seems hastily detailed, missing a few important parts. The result is something that hints at a full figure, but leads to uncertainty as to how it could fully be developed.

    2. Seeming untrustworthy, or of dubious and indiscernible motive. This can be used to describe people that are difficult to be understood yet still have a layer of rationality that people can feel, but can't predict.

    3. A feeling to describe a situation where you feel physical or sexual danger/unease. This results from feelings of uncertainty when you are talking with someone who is telling you that he/she is intending to act genuinely, but his/her actions do not reinforce this, and seem to reinforce the feelings of danger.

    (Author: As a note of advice: if you be forthright and are daring enough to present exactly what you want and to talk about it, as well as why you do what you do, people will know what to expect and can interpret you in an understanding tone.)

    Sketchy meaning & definition 10 of Sketchy.

  • Lacking [integrity]

    Jesse May

    Sketchy meaning & definition 11 of Sketchy.

  • Something that doesnt seem right, or youre [unsure] of, [or that] is just kind of not in your [comfort zone].

    Sketchy meaning & definition 12 of Sketchy.

  • Not thorough or detailed.

    Sketchy meaning & definition 13 of Sketchy.

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