• A more or less musical sound made by many of the lower animals.See Stridulation. Magic music, a game in which a person is guided infinding a hidden article, or in doing a specific art required, bymusic which is made more loud or rapid as he approaches success, andslower as he recedes. Tennyson.-- Music box. See Musical box, under Musical.-- Music hall, a place for public musical entertainments.-- Music loft, a gallery for musicians, as in a dancing room or achurch.-- Music of the spheres, the harmony supposed to be produced by theaccordant movement of the celestial spheres.-- Music paper, paper ruled with the musical staff, for the use ofcomposers and copyists.-- Music pen, a pen for ruling at one time the five lines of themusical staff.-- Music shell (Zoöl.), a handsomely colored marine gastropod shell(Voluta musica) found in the East Indies; -- so called because thecolor markings often resemble printed music. Sometimes applied toother shells similarly marked.-- To face the music, to meet any disagreeable necessity withoutflinching. [Colloq. or Slang]

    Music meaning & definition 1 of Music.

  • Ruined by [MTV]

    Music meaning & definition 2 of Music.

  • Mankinds Grestest Acheviment.

    Music meaning & definition 3 of Music.

  • Something the world would be lost without.

    Music meaning & definition 4 of Music.

  • Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you hear but what you feel. It is something your soul can reach out and touch. It originates from all over the world since time began. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It is what you feel, or it could be your method of escape or it could just keep you alive.
    All music is miraculous.

    Music meaning & definition 5 of Music.

  • It's not something that you can just record and manufacture onto a CD and sell for .99.

    Music meaning & definition 6 of Music.

  • the one language spoken by all cultures,sex's,races,and anything else that at one time or another in history has had a hard time purely because of belief

    Music meaning & definition 7 of Music.

  • The life force

    Music meaning & definition 8 of Music.

  • Good stuff, man.

    Music meaning & definition 9 of Music.

  • a drug ingested via the ears. different kinds of music have different effects.

    Music meaning & definition 10 of Music.

  • music is oxygen

    Music meaning & definition 11 of Music.

  • One of the [few things] keeping me [sane] in this [fucked up] world we live in.

    Music meaning & definition 12 of Music.

  • Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

    Music meaning & definition 13 of Music.

  • What [feelings] [sound] like

    Music meaning & definition 14 of Music.

  • Music in Sports Acrobatics. In pair and group work, all routines are performed and choreographed to music except for mens four balance routines.

    Music meaning & definition 15 of Music.

  • [The thing] that makes life [worth] [living]

    Music meaning & definition 16 of Music.

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